Tradition weekly prompts Woolwideadventures2021

Week 4: Tradition


If knitting isn’t synonymous with tradition, it should be.

As a craft that has been passed from generation to generation through the years, different techniques and patterns developed in various areas of the world.

Since then, technology, from the printing press to the internet, has spread knowledge of those techniques around the world.

Your Weekly Adventure

This week, take some time to learn about a knitting tradition you are unfamiliar with.

Maybe it’s Fair Isle.

Perhaps you’ve heard about Japanese knitting but haven’t looked into what makes it so special yet.

Have you tried Portuguese knitting?

Pick a tradition you haven’t tried and give it a go. Post about how it went. As you post about your research, use #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Your Mini Treks

  • If you’d like some inspiration, you might use Ravelry’s advanced search function and explore different knitting traditions using the Regional/Ethnic Styles attribute.
  • Hop over to and try one of the classes from the November festival in an area you haven’t explored yet.
  • Listen to episode 20 of the I Thought I Knew How podcast to learn about Dorset Buttons, a heritage craft that can augment our finished knits.
  • Listen to episode 53 of the I Thought I Knew How podcast where Anne interviews Amy about how she learned to knit and when she began passing that skill on to others.
  • Learn why Morehouse Farm decided to grow Merinos – and what it meant for the future of the breed in America.

As you post about your Mini Treks, use #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Carry on (the tradition),
Amy, Irene, Anne, and Erin

Want to receive these prompts on your mail? Subscribe HERE!

weekly prompts

Week 3: Technique


What is the technique you’ve been putting off trying?

It’s time to challenge yourself and give it a go!

Like our hikes, a learning curve can be steep at times, but as we go further along, things begin to feel easier.

Your Weekly Adventure

Post a photo of a swatch or project using a new-to-you technique. Remember to include #woolwideadventures in your post to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Your Mini Treks

  • Post the answer to: What pattern is on your wishlist that you’d like to get on your needles this year?
  • Learn a new technique at a live class! Sign up for one of Amy’s classes, listed here.
  • Listen to episode 16 of I Thought I Knew How and learn how the Peerie Makkers are preserving traditional Fair Isle Knitting.

Each time you complete a Mini Trek, post about it and include #woolwideadventures in your Instagram post to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Give yourself permission to succeed. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone.

Amy, Irene, Anne, and Erin

Want to receive these prompts on your mail? Subscribe HERE!

weekly prompts

Week 2: Wool


Sheep and mountains are a natural pair, and trekking through the mountains often leads to crossing paths with a flock of sheep. There are so many different kinds of sheep living all around the world providing us with a diversity of wool.

Your Weekly Adventure

Help us learn about your favorite wool or one that’s new to you!

Tell us what you like about it or where it’s from.

As you post about your research, use #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Your Mini Treks

Each time you complete a Mini Trek, post about it and include #woolwideadventures in your Instagram post to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Wool is definitely cool.

Amy, Irene, Anne, and Erin

Want to receive these prompts on your mail? Subscribe HERE!

weekly prompts

Week 1: Mountains

Climbing mountains

Mountains can be literal or figurative.

Is there a “mountain” in your knitting skills you’ve been afraid to climb?

I’ve got a tubular bind-off calling my name.

Your Weekly Adventure

Look for something that will help you climb that next peak in your knitting journey, and post about it. You’ll probably be helping someone else up the mountain, too.

Include #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Your Mini Treks

Each time you complete a Mini Trek, post to Instagram and include #woolwideadventures in your post to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Share your mountain far and wide, so that we can climb it together.

Amy, Irene, Anne, and Erin

Want to receive these prompts on your mail? Subscribe HERE!