weekly prompts

Week 5: Community


No matter where you go in this world, if you pull out your knitting, you are going to make a friend.

People are drawn to knitting. They are curious, or nostalgic, or knitters themselves. Within communities, knitting brings families and friends together as skills and techniques are passed along from person to person.

The process of sharing that knowledge often creates an intimacy that allows people to share their lives as well.
This week, we are going to focus on how knitting strengthens communities.

Your Weekly Adventure

Tag someone you admire in the knitting community who brings people together and tell us what makes them so special.

As you post about your research, use #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Your Mini Treks

  • Register to be part of the live virtual audience in the next episode of Amy’s video knitcast, “Would Knit Be Fun,” where she will interview Anne here, or listen to one of the earlier episodes here.

Each is backed by a welcoming and encouraging community of knitters who share their knowledge and friendship with fellow knitters!

Tag or share this post with your knitting friends so they can experience their own Wool Wide Adventure. As you do so, be sure to use #woolwideadventures to be entered in the weekly and grand prize drawings!

Be sure to include #woolwideadventures in your post to be entered in the weekly and grand prize giveaways!

Be the community,
Amy, Irene, Anne, and Erin

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